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Link to Our Wedding Memories wedding photographers directory

Please follow the instructions below to link to our website.

If you wish to obtain a free listing on Our Wedding Memories you must first add a link pointing to OurWeddingMemories from your own web site prior to your listing going live. The link should be placed on your Home page or a page within 2 clicks of your home page and meet the criteria detailed here.

Once the link is added to your website, please Contact Us to let us know.
You can register as a wedding photographer Here to start your advertising

To add a link to please select one of the following options. If you add a banner image, we would appreciate it if you also leave a text link in place.

Copy the code below your preferred link exactly and paste into the required area of your web site. You may have to contact your web designer to do this for you.

PLEASE REMEMBER | If you are using these links in return for a free listing or reciprocal link, please do not change the code in any way. Please try to ensure text links are included in all options. If links do not meet our criteria we may not be able to add your details.

Please contact us to inform us once your link has been added.

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